Protecting Clients Wealth
Over Generations

Who We Are

Travella and Partners has been founded and built toward the objective of providing influential families, treasuries and foundations with highly customized counsel and solutions to preserve and nurture their wealth over generations.
We are a multi-family office of 16 professionals, based in Switzerland, with extensive experience in wealth protection, with particular regard to cost optimization (including both financial and non-financial assets).
We are totally independent and we offer our clients completely impartial answers to meet their specific needs.

What We Do

In today's complex world the management of important portfolios requires to cope with both unique demands and challenges.
We are always at our clients side to help understand and face these difficult challenges
with the utmost of professionalism, experience and dedication.

We support thoroughly our clients by being a competent, sensitive and integrated partner,
oversighting and taking care of all the crucial areas involved in family and institutional wealth:

Travella and Partners - Protecting Your Wealth